Alias of BaseSignalLike.neq
Alias of BaseSignalLike.and
Alias of [[BaseSignalLike.logicalAnd]]
Alias of
Alias of BaseSignalLike.concat
Alias of BaseSignalLike.minus
Alias of
Alias of BaseSignalLike.shiftLeft
Alias of BaseSignalLike.shiftLeftA
Alias of BaseSignalLike.lte
Alias of BaseSignalLike.eq
Alias of
Alias of BaseSignalLike.gte
Alias of BaseSignalLike.shiftRight
Alias of BaseSignalLike.shiftRightA
Alias of BaseSignalLike.ternary
Alias of BaseSignalLike.xor
Bitwise and of this signal and another SignalLikeOrValue
Logical and of this signal and another SignalLikeOrValue (produces a 1-bit wide signal)
Treat this signal as signed
Treat this signal as unsigned
Isolate a single bit from this signal
the index to isolate
Concat one or more SignalLikes with this signal
All the SignalLikes that should be concatenated
Compare if this signal is equal to another SignalLikeOrValue
Compare if this signal is greater than another SignalLikeOrValue
Compare if this signal is greater than or equal to another SignalLikeOrValue
Compare two SignalLikes
Signal to compare with
Compare if this signal is less than another SignalLikeOrValue
Compare if this signal is less than or equal to another SignalLikeOrValue
Describe subtracting this signal from another SignalLikeOrValue
Compare if this signal is not equal to another SignalLikeOrValue
Logical or of this signal and another SignalLikeOrValue (produces a 1-bit wide signal)
Bitwise or of this signal and another SignalLikeOrValue
Describe adding another SignalLikeOrValue to this signal
Bitwise left shift of this signal by another SignalLikeOrValue
Arithmetic left shift of this signal by another SignalLikeOrValue
Bitwise right shift of this signal by another SignalLikeOrValue
Arithmetic right shift of this signal by another SignalLikeOrValue
Sign-extend this signal to a given bit width
Create a slice from this signal (inclusive)
the starting bit
the ending bit
Multiplex two SignalLikes into one, using this signal to select
Bitwise xor of this signal and another SignalLikeOrValue
Zero-extend this signal to a given bit width
Alias of BaseSignalLike.or
Alias of [[BaseSignalLike.logicalOr]]
Generated using TypeDoc
SignalLike representing the concatenation of multiple SignalLikes Should not be instantiated directly, instead use Concat, or BaseSignalLike.concat